#Thu Jun 07 11:53:54 PDT 2007 admin.action.refresh=Refresh Search Index admin.action.save=Save Changes admin.caption.allowhtml=Allow HTML admin.caption.allowjavascript=Allow Javascript admin.caption.allowtemplates=Allow Wiki templates admin.caption.cache=Clear disk and memory cache admin.caption.cache.idleage=Maximum cache element idle age (in seconds) admin.caption.cache.individualsize=Maximum number of cached elements per cache admin.caption.cache.individualsizehelp=The maximum number of elements that can be cached in memory for any specific cache.<br />A larger value improves performance but increases system memory usage. admin.caption.cache.maxage=Maximum cache element age (in seconds) admin.caption.cache.totalsize=Maximum number of cached elements admin.caption.cache.totalsizehelp=The maximum number of elements that can be cached in memory for all caches.<br />A larger value improves performance but increases system memory usage. admin.caption.cachefail=Failure while clearing the cache\: {0}. admin.caption.databasedriver=JDBC driver class admin.caption.databasepass=Database Password admin.caption.databasetype=Database type admin.caption.databaseurl=Database URL or JNDI DataSource name admin.caption.databaseuser=Database Username admin.caption.dbcp.maxactive=Max number of active connections admin.caption.dbcp.maxidle=Max number of idle connections admin.caption.dbcp.minevictableidletime=Min idle time (in seconds) before evicting idle connections admin.caption.dbcp.numtestsperevictionrun=Numer of tests per eviction run admin.caption.dbcp.removeabandoned=Remove abandoned connections admin.caption.dbcp.removeabandonedtimeout=Timeout (in seconds) for abandoned connections admin.caption.dbcp.testonborrow=Test connections on borrow admin.caption.dbcp.testonreturn=Test connections on return admin.caption.dbcp.testwhileidle=Test idle connections admin.caption.dbcp.timebetweenevictionruns=Time (in seconds) between eviction runs admin.caption.dbcp.whenexhaustedaction=Action to take when pool is exhausted admin.caption.dbcp.whenexhaustedaction.block=Block admin.caption.dbcp.whenexhaustedaction.fail=Fail admin.caption.dbcp.whenexhaustedaction.grow=Grow admin.caption.defaulttopic=Default topic admin.caption.filedir=File-system directory admin.caption.filedirhelp=An existing directory in which JAMWiki system files can be stored. admin.caption.forceusername=Disable anonymous editing admin.caption.forceusernamehelp=Selecting this option will require all users to login before editing a topic. admin.caption.imageresize=Image resize increment (pixels) admin.caption.ldap=User information persistence admin.caption.ldap.context=LDAP context admin.caption.ldap.contexthelp=The LDAP context to use when searching for users, such as "ou\=people,dc\=jamwiki,dc\=org". admin.caption.ldap.factory=LDAP factory class admin.caption.ldap.field.email=LDAP "email" field admin.caption.ldap.field.firstname=LDAP "first name" field admin.caption.ldap.field.lastname=LDAP "last name" field admin.caption.ldap.field.userid=LDAP "userid" field admin.caption.ldap.login=LDAP login admin.caption.ldap.loginhelp=If needed, a fully-qualified LDAP user login such as "cn\=name,dc\=jamwiki,dc\=org". If no login is required the value may be left empty. admin.caption.ldap.password=LDAP password admin.caption.ldap.passwordhelp=The password for the LDAP login. This value may be empty if no login is required. admin.caption.ldap.security=LDAP security authentication admin.caption.ldap.securityhelp=The LDAP security authentication mechanism. This value will usually be "none", "simple", "strong" or "DIGEST-MD5". admin.caption.ldap.url=LDAP server URL admin.caption.logoimage=Logo image admin.caption.maxfilesize=Maximum upload filesize (KB) admin.caption.metadescription=HTML meta description admin.caption.metadescriptionhelp=The HTML meta description is a description of a wiki page that can be used by search engines and other tools to describe a page.<br />Variables that can be used in the meta description include\: {0} page topic (may be empty) admin.caption.nonadminmove=Allow non-admins to move topics admin.caption.parser=Parser admin.caption.persistence=Persistence admin.caption.printnewwindow=Open printable page links in new window admin.caption.recentchanges=Reload recent changes admin.caption.recentchangesdefault=Default number of recent changes displayed admin.caption.recentchangesfail=Failure while loading recent changes\: {0}. admin.caption.reply=Reply address admin.caption.reset=Reset admin.caption.rss.allowed=Provide RSS feed admin.caption.rss.title=RSS feed title admin.caption.signaturedate=Pattern for dates in signatures admin.caption.signaturedatehelp=See the Javadoc for the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class for valid pattern values. admin.caption.signatureuser=Pattern for user name in signatures admin.caption.signatureuserhelp=Key\: {0} \= user page; {1} \= user contributions page; {2} \= user comments page; {3} \= user login; {4} \= user display name; {5} \= user email; {6} \= user id admin.caption.smtp=Settings for email notifications admin.caption.smtp.host=Host admin.caption.smtp.pass=Password admin.caption.smtp.user=Username admin.caption.spamfilter=Reload spam filter patterns admin.caption.spamfilterfail=Failure while loading spam filter patterns\: {0}. admin.caption.tableofcontents=Use table of contents admin.caption.tableofcontentsdepth=Maximum table of contents depth admin.caption.tableofcontentsdepthhelp=Set this value from 1-6 to determine how much nesting is allowed within a topic's table of contents. admin.caption.upload.allowall=Allow all admin.caption.upload.allownone=Disable uploads admin.caption.upload.blacklist=Upload blacklist admin.caption.upload.blacklisthelp=File extensions for file types that may not be uploaded to the wiki, separated by commas. Example\: "jsp,bin,bat". admin.caption.upload.blacklisttype=Allowed file upload types admin.caption.upload.useblacklist=Use blacklist admin.caption.upload.usewhitelist=Use whitelist admin.caption.upload.whitelist=Upload whitelist admin.caption.upload.whitelisthelp=File extensions for file types that may be uploaded to the wiki, separated by commas. Example\: "jpg,gif,txt". admin.caption.uploaddir=File upload directory admin.caption.uploaddirhelp=The directory in which to store uploaded files, and from which files will be downloaded. admin.caption.uploaddirrel=Relative path from web server root to file upload directory admin.caption.uploaddirrelhelp=Root path used in <img> and <a> tags; if the file upload directory is /docroot/wiki-files/, then the relative path is /wiki-files/. admin.caption.usepreview=Use Preview admin.caption.usespamfilter=Enable spam filter admin.caption.wysiwyg=Use WYSIWYG editor admin.header.cache=Cache settings admin.header.general=General settings admin.header.ldap=User authentication settings admin.header.parser=Parser settings admin.header.persistence=Persistence settings admin.header.rss=RSS settings admin.header.upload=File upload settings admin.maintenance.title=Maintenance admin.message.cache=Cache successfully cleared. admin.message.changesnotsaved=Changes HAVE NOT been saved admin.message.changessaved=Changes saved admin.message.indexrefreshed=Index refreshed admin.message.loginrequired=Only administrators may access this page. admin.message.passwordsnomatch=Passwords do not match, please re-enter. admin.message.propertyfailure=Failure while processing property values\: {0}. admin.message.recentchanges=Recent changes successfully loaded. admin.message.searchrefresh=Failure while refreshing search index\: {0}. admin.message.spamfilter=Spam filter patterns successfully reloaded. admin.message.virtualwikiadded=New virtual wiki added\: don't forget to add a Wiki servlet mapping to the web.xml file and restart the app server admin.message.virtualwikifail=Failure while adding virtual wiki\: {0}. admin.parsertype.bliki=Bliki Parser admin.parsertype.default=Default JAMWiki Parser admin.persistencetype.database=External Database admin.persistencetype.internal=Internal Database admin.title=Configuration admin.title.cache=Clear Cache admin.title.recentchanges=Reload Recent Changes admin.title.refresh=Rebuild Search Index admin.title.spamfilter=Reload Spam Filter Patterns admin.title.virtualwiki=Add Virtual Wiki admin.usergrouptype.database=Database admin.usergrouptype.ldap=LDAP allcategories.title=Categories allfiles.title=All Files allimages.title=All Images alltopics.title=All Topics common.add=Add common.back=Back common.cancel=Cancel common.caption.diff=diff common.caption.experimental=experimental common.caption.history=history common.caption.view=View common.change=Change common.confirm=Are you sure? common.continue=Continue common.date=Date common.default=Default common.delete=Delete common.exception.name=The requested value "{0}" was invalid. It may contain one or more characters which cannot be used in titles. common.exception.notopic=Invalid or missing topic name. common.exception.novirtualwiki=Invalid or missing virtual wiki. common.exception.pseudotopic={0} is a special topic that cannot be viewed or edited as a normal topic. common.login=Login common.logout=Logout common.move=Move common.name=Name common.pagination.next=Next {0} common.pagination.previous=Previous {0} common.pagination.results=Results per page common.save=Save common.sectionedit=Edit common.sitename=SynapticPath Wiki common.topic=Topic common.undelete=Un-Delete common.update=Update common.user=User common.warning.experimental=This feature is EXPERIMENTAL and should be used with caution. contributions.title=User contributions for {0} convert.database.failure=Failure while executing file-to-database-conversion\: {0}. convert.database.success=File values successfully written to database. You may need to logout and re-login. convert.title=Convert Data convert.todatabase=Convert file content to database\:<br />WARNING\: Deletes all existing database content\! diff.badinput=You must select the two topic versions that you wish to diff between. diff.line=Line diff.nochange=There are no differences between the versions. diff.title=Version Differences for {0} edit.action.preview=Preview edit.button.bold=Bold text edit.button.bold.text=Bold text edit.button.external.link=External link (remember http\:// prefix) edit.button.external.link.text=http\://www.example.com link title edit.button.head2=Level 2 headline edit.button.head2.text=Headline text edit.button.image=Embedded image edit.button.image.text=Example.jpg edit.button.internal.link=Internal link edit.button.internal.link.text=Link title edit.button.italic=Italic text edit.button.italic.text=Italic text edit.button.line=Horizontal line edit.button.nowiki=Ignore wiki formatting edit.button.nowiki.text=Insert non-formatted text here edit.button.signature=Your signature with time stamp edit.button.underline=Underlined text edit.button.underline.text=Underlined text edit.caption.comment=Edit Comment edit.caption.minor=Minor Edit edit.caption.watch=Add to Watchlist edit.exception.conflict=WARNING\: Someone else has edited this topic. The current version of the topic is show in the first box below, and your version is shown in the second box below. Please manually resolve any differences and re-save. edit.exception.login=Editing requires logging in. edit.exception.loginadmin=You must login with administrative privileges to edit {0}. edit.exception.nocontent=The topic {0} has no content. edit.exception.spam=Your changes have been blocked by the spam filter. Please remove any occurrences of the following term from your edit\: <b>{0}</b>. edit.title=Editing {0} edit.warning.oldversion=Warning\: The version being edited is an out-of-date version. Saving will cause newer revisions to be lost. edit.warning.preview=Preview\: changes have not been saved error.caption=A system error has occurred. The error message is\: error.databaseconnection=A connection could not be established with the database; please re-check the settings\: {0} error.directorydelete=Error while deleting file from {0}\: {1} error.directoryinvalid={0} is not a valid directory. error.directoryread=Error while reading file from {0}\: {1} error.directorywrite=Error while writing file to {0}\: {1} error.heading=A system error has occurred. The error message is\: error.login=The username and/or password is incorrect. Please try again. error.loginempty=Login cannot be empty. error.newpasswordempty=New password field must be entered. error.parserclass=Invalid parser class {0}. error.passwordconfirm=Password confirmation must be entered. error.readonly=Sorry, the topic you tried to edit is read-only. If you believe it should be editable, contact your Wiki administrator. error.title=Error error.unknown=An unknown system error has occurred. The error message is\: {0}. exception.badusername=Your username was not accepted, make sure it is not blank and contains no special characters (e.g. characters with accents) footer.message.version=Version generalmenu.jumpto=Go to generalmenu.search=Search history.current=Current Version history.diff=Diff Selected history.title={0} History import.button.import=Import import.caption.failure=No topic found to import. import.caption.source=Source File import.title=Import linkto.none=There are no pages that link to {0}. linkto.overview=The following pages link to {0}. linkto.title=Links to {0} login.password=Password login.rememberme=Remember Me login.title=Login login.username=Username manage.caption.adminonly=Admin-Only manage.caption.delete=Delete {0} manage.caption.permissions=Permissions manage.caption.readonly=Read-Only manage.caption.undelete=Un-Delete {0} manage.delete.commentspage=Delete associated comments page manage.delete.reason=Reason for deletion manage.delete.warning=<b>WARNING</b>\: Deleting an article or image removes it from the system. Please confirm that you intend to delete this item and that it is being done in accordance with policy. manage.message.permissions=Topic permissions updated manage.message.updated=Topic {0} updated successfully. manage.title=Manage {0} manage.undelete.commentspage=Un-Delete associated comments page manage.undelete.reason=Reason for un-deletion move.comment=Reason for move move.commentspage=Move associated comments page move.destination=New topic name move.editcomment={0} moved to {1} move.exception.destinationexists=The topic {0} already exists. move.exception.nodestination=No destination topic name specified. move.exception.permission=The topic {0} has been protected and cannot be moved by users without appropriate permissions. move.overview=This page provides functionality for moving a topic (including its history) to a new name. The old topic name will then automatically redirect to the new topic name. Note that the page <b>cannot</b> be moved if there is already a topic at the new destination. move.title=Move {0} recentchanges.caption.comments=Comments recentchanges.caption.contributions=Contribs recentchanges.caption.rss=RSS Feed recentchanges.caption.time=Changes as of {0}. recentchanges.rss.feed1=Recent Changes recentchanges.rss.feed2=Recent Changes including minor changes recentchanges.rss.feed3=Recent Changes linking to changed version recentchanges.rss.feed4=Recent Changes including minor changes and linking to changed version recentchanges.title=Recent Changes register.caption.confirmpassword=Confirm new password register.caption.displayname=Display name register.caption.email=Email register.caption.firstname=First name register.caption.lastname=Last name (surname) register.caption.locale=Preferred country & language register.caption.newpassword=New password register.caption.oldpassword=Old password register.error.logininvalid=The login {0} is already in use. Please choose another. register.error.oldpasswordinvalid=Invalid old password. register.error.passwordempty=Password cannot be empty. register.form.info=Creating a user account allows you to have a permanent name which you will be known by on the Wiki, and also allows edits to be properly credited to you in article histories and on the recent changes page. register.title=Account Details search.for=Search for\: search.hints=Hints\:<br />You can use * and ? as wildcards.<br />If you attach ~ to a word, you do a fuzzy search.<br />You can use AND, OR. Grouping is allowed using ( )<br />Emphasize a word using +, use - if a word should not be in the index.<br /><a href\="http\://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/queryparsersyntax.html" target\="_blank">more on search query terms</a><br /> search.poweredby=Search powered by search.search=Search search.title=Search searchresult.notfound="{0}" was not found in any topic. searchresult.title=Search for "{0}" setup.caption.adminlogin=Admin user login setup.error.jdk=JAMWiki requires a minimum JDK version of {0}. The current system is reporting JDK version {1}. setup.error.notrequired=System setup is already complete. View the admin page to change settings. setup.error.upgrade=A new installation is being performed, but a JAMWiki database already exists. If JAMWiki was previously installed, please use the upgrade process described in the UPGRADE.txt document. If you continue with a new installation the existing database schema may not match the current JAMWiki version and errors will occur. Press the continue button below only if you wish to continue with the new install. setup.title=Setup specialpages.title=Special pages tab.admin.configuration=Configuration tab.admin.maintenance=Maintenance tab.admin.translations=Translations tab.common.article=Article tab.common.comments=Comments tab.common.edit=Edit tab.common.history=History tab.common.links=Links tab.common.manage=Manage tab.common.move=Move tab.common.print=Print tab.common.special=Special tab.common.unwatch=Unwatch tab.common.watch=Watch topic.caption.editlegend=Editing Controls topic.categories=Categories topic.category.images=Images in category "{0}" topic.category.numimages=There are {0} images in category "{1}" topic.category.numsubcategories=There are {0} sub-categories in category "{1}" topic.category.numtopics=There are {0} topics in category "{1}" topic.category.subcategories=Sub-categories for category "{0}" topic.category.topics=Topics in category "{0}" topic.file.download=View/Download this file topic.filehistory=File History topic.ismentionedon=is mentioned on\: topic.notcreated=The topic "{0}" does not currently exist. To create it please follow the link\: {1}. topic.redirect.from=Redirected from {0} topic.redirect.infinite=The topic has redirected too many times and cannot be be resolved. topic.title={0} topicsadmin.title=Admin-Only Topics translation.message.instructions=Please select a language/locale from the drop-down. To create translations for a new language/locale type the language/locale name into the text box (such as "en" or "en_US") and click "Change". Valid language and country codes can be found in the <a href\="http\://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/englangn.html">ISO language code standard</a> and the <a href\="http\://www.iso.ch/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html">ISO country code standard</a>. The web application server may need to be restarted for translation changes to become visible on the site. translation.title=Translations upgrade.caption.detected=An upgrade to JAMWiki has been installed. Please back up all data, and then click the "Submit" button to complete the upgrade process. upgrade.caption.login=An upgrade to JAMWiki has been installed. Please login as an admin to complete the upgrade process. upgrade.caption.upgradecomplete=Upgrade successful.<br />{0} upgrade.caption.upgradefailed=The upgrade has failed. Please see below and check the logs for any failure messages, and consult the UPGRADE.txt document for details on how to perform a manual upgrade. Please report this error at <a href\="http\://jamwiki.org/"> jamwiki.org</a> and provide any relevant information in the bug report. upgrade.error.notrequired=No upgrade is currently required. upgrade.error.oldversion=Upgrading to version {0} from versions older than {1} is not supported. upgrade.title=Upgrade upload.caption.filedescription=File Description upload.error.directorycreate=Unable to create upload directory {0}. upload.error.filename=Invalid filename. upload.error.filenotfound=No file found in upload. upload.error.filetype=Administrative settings for this site do not allowed uploads for files of type "{0}". upload.error.nodirectory=Uploads not supported, no valid directory to upload into. upload.title=File Upload usermenu.account=Account usermenu.admin=Admin usermenu.register=Register usermenu.usercomments=User Comments usermenu.watchlist=Watchlist watchlist.caption.added=The topic <b>{0}</b> has been added to your watchlist. watchlist.caption.empty=There are no items in your watchlist. watchlist.caption.removed=The topic <b>{0}</b> has been removed from your watchlist. watchlist.error.loginrequired=The watchlist is only available to logged-in users. watchlist.title=Watchlist |
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